Monday, February 15, 2010

Key Provisions of the USA Patriot Act..

Section 201 -- Gives federal officials the authority to
intercept wire, spoken and electronic communications
relating to terrorism.

Section 202 -- Gives federal officials the authority to
intercept wire, spoken and electronic communications
relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses.

Subsection 203(b) -- Permits the sharing of grand jury
information that involves foreign intelligence or
counterintelligence with federal law enforcement,
intelligence, protective,immigration, national
defense or national security officials.

Subsection 203(d) -- Gives foreign intelligence or
counterintelligence officers the ability to share
foreign intelligence information obtained as part
of a criminal investigation with law enforcement.

Section 204 -- Makes clear that nothing in the law
regarding pen registers -- an electronic device
which records all numbers dialed from a particular
phone line -- stops the government's ability to
obtain foreign intelligence information.

Section 206 -- Allows federal officials to issue roving
"John Doe" wiretaps, which allow investigators to
listen in on any telephone and tap any computer they
think a suspected spy or terrorist might use.

Section 207 -- Increases the amount of time that federal
officials may watch people they suspect are spies or

Section 209 -- Permits the seizure of voicemail messages
under a warrant.

Section 212 -- Permits Internet service providers and
other electronic communication and remote computing
service providers to hand over records and e-mails
to federal officials in emergency situations.

Section 214 -- Allows use of a pen register or trap and
trace devices that record originating phone numbers
of all incoming calls in international terrorism or
spy investigations.

Section 215 -- Authorizes federal officials to obtain
"tangible items" like business records, including
those from libraries and bookstores,for foreign
intelligence and international terrorism

Section 217 -- Makes it lawful to intercept the wire or
electronic communication of a computer hacker or
intruder in certain circumstances.

Section 218 -- Allows federal officials to wiretap or
watch suspects if foreign intelligence gathering is
a "significant purpose" for seeking a Federal
Intelligence Surveillance Act order. The pre-Patriot
Act standard said officials could ask for the
surveillance only if it was the sole or main purpose.

Section 220 -- Provides for nationwide service of search
warrants for electronic evidence.

Section 223 -- Amends the federal criminal code to provide
for administrative discipline of federal officers or
employees who violate prohibitions against unauthorized
disclosures of information gathered under this act.

Section 225 -- Amends FISA to prohibit lawsuits against
people or companies that provide information to federal
officials for a terrorism investigation.


Monday, January 25, 2010


In a consumer protection approach, in contrast, it is acknowledged that individuals may not have the time or knowledge to make informed choices, or may not have reasonable alternatives available. This approach advocates greater government definition and enforceIn a consumer protection approach, in contrast, it is acknowledged that individuals may not have the time or knowledge to make informed choices, or may not have reasonable alternatives available. This approach advocates greater government definition and enforcement of privacy standards.

What is Piracy?

Privacy is...Most Web users want to understand that personal information they share will not be shared with anyone else without their permission. An annual survey conducted by the Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center of the Georgia Institute of Technology showed that 70% of the Web users surveyed cited concerns about privacy as the main reason for not registering information with Web sites. 86% indicated that they wanted to be able to control their personal information. A study by truste revealed that 78% of users surveyed would be more likely to provide information to sites that offered privacy assurance.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Who are the computer criminals

Who are the computer criminals

The computer criminals are those who commit crimes not just only a crime but a serious crime like hacking in the private Websites!!The Objectives of Computer Criminals

Computer criminals have different objectives. An underground network of hackers helps pass along secrets of success.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Zero day attack, also known as a zero hour attack, takes advantage of computer vulnerabilities that do not currently have a solution. Typically, a software company will discover a bug or problem with a piece of software after it has been released and will offer a patch another piece of software meant to fix the original issue. A zero day attack will take advantage of that problem before a patch has been created. It is named zero day because it occurs before the first day the vulnerability is known.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What would you do?

1.Your friend just told you that he is developing a worm to attack the administrative system at your college.The worm is "harmless"& will simply course a message._"Lets Party"_to be displayed on the workstations on Friday afternoon at 3pm,the virus will erase itself and destroy all the evidence of its presence.What would you say or do?

For me I just told him that bad to the IT user and the society.I just remain them that is not good and give them some advice.

2You have just been hired as an IT security consultant to"fix the security problem" at a manufacturing company.The company has been hacked mercilessly over the last six months w/ three of the attacks making headlines for the negative impact they have in the firm & its customers. You have been given 90 days an a budget of $1 million where would you begin,and what steps would you take to fix the problem?

For me i accept the opportunity and try my best to fix the problem,i try my ability on this case so that i can help them.