Monday, November 23, 2009

Are IT worker are professional Yes or No?

Yes!!because we learn more about information of a computer such as how to program to hack the program.And this is a bachelor degree.this profession is about hardware and software information.This profession is highly releted to technology that we have to learn.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Situation that you can use seven steps

  1. Get the facts :By starting a business I must get some idea from other businessman.To ask some technique on how to improve.
  2. Identify the stake holder and their presentation :small company:It can give strategies to start the business.
  3. Consider the consequences of your decision:I know that starting a business it takes time.So that i will maximize my time on it.
  4. Way guidelines and principle:Base on experience starting a business is so hard because we need to have some techniques on how to please people to buy the products
  5. Develop evaluate options:for me to evaluate I must ask the other businessman and gathered their ideas.
  6. Review you decision:is the bfor me is the one est.
  7. Evaluate the result of your decision:I think that's decision is final cos I learn from the other businessman.


1:Virtue ethical approach.
2:The ethical choose produces greatest excess benefit over harm.
3:Fairness approach.
4Common good approach.